RC Modelers Club - AMA Charter #1753 Ravenna, Ohio

Rev. June, 2020
1. ALL FLYERS , other than first
time trainees, will have a
current AMA membership
before flying.
2. ALL FLYERS shall be registered
with the FAA and have their
FAA registration number
affixed to every aircraft they fly.
3. Everyone will be properly
certified by club approved
instructors of either the
Ravenna Thunderbirds or the
Corsair Model Aircraft Club
before soloing (flying by
themselves), this does not
include guests (with AMA
cards) when accompanied by a
certified club member. Club
members are responsible for
actions of their guests.
4. Hours of flying are: 8:00 am till
dusk. 8:00 am to 11:00 pm
(aircraft with lights only)
5. No alcoholic beverages are
permitted at the field.
6. No spectators are permitted in
the pit area, unless escorted by
an AMA member. Children are
NOT permitted beyond
spectator area without an
AMA card.
7. All pilots using 72Mhz radios
shall be responsible for
announcing that fact to all other
pilots at the field. It is the
responsibility of all
pilots using 72Mhz at the field
to coordinate channel
numbers to ensure duplicate
channels are not being used.
Channel number flags must be
displayed clearly at all times.
Failure to following this rule
shall be subject to disciplinary
action as outlines below.
8. If by failing to follow the 72Mhz
guidelines in rule #7, you cause
another aircraft that is flying on
the same channel to crash, you
are responsible to replace
everything that is damaged in
that crash, up to and including
the aircraft.
9. There will be absolutely NO
driving of any vehicle on the
10. There will be absolutely no
flying behind the flight line,
over the pit area
or over the parking area. All
flyers must yield right of way to
full scaleaircraft at all times.
11. With the exception of takeoff
and landings, no powered
model may be flown closer
than 25 feet to any person.
12. Pit area is for parking aircraft,
starting, testing and run up of
engines. Also all aircraft will
be adequately restrained when
the engine is being started, or
while it is running.
13. Pilots will announce,"landing",
"dead stick", "on the field", or
"taking off" to advise other
pilots of his intentions. Pilots
must give right of way to any
other pilot who has announced
any of the above.
14. No taxiing of aircraft back into
pit area, engine to be shut off
at drainage ditch. Taxiing away
from the pit is permitted.
15. An effective muffler will be
used on all engines .09 cubic
inch and up.
16. Special Training Program
(CMAC) As per AMA
guidelines, student pilots can
fly (with buddy box) three
times before being required to
join AMA.
17. No flying while the runway is
being mowed. Flying is
permitted while mowing is
being done Behind the pit
18. Potential instructors should be
viewed by at least two other
instructors and then decided
19. The dcharge of firearms as a
method of retrieving airplanes
from trees is prohibited.
20. Jetway Only, Student pilots are
reired to have a spotter at
all times. When a full scale
aircraft is spotted, 1. Step
back from the runway
immediately. 2. If time permits,
land immediately, and clear the
runway. OR 3. Place your
aircraft in a low, slow, tight
circle, away from the runway.
21. Flying at Diamond Hill Park on
a day not listed on the field
permit will result in
disciplinary action as outlined
22. Diamond St. field only –
Absolutely no flying southwest
(toward the Hot Stove Ball
Fields) of a line of sight from
the pilot to the single tree at
the west end of the runway.
Also there should be no flying
south of the runway between
the backstops.
23. Grievance procedure for
enforcement of violations of
Field Rules, and the AMA
Safety Code is as outlined
The grievance procedure will
provide a mechanism for a disciplinary system when needed.
Although most complaints can be resolved informally. If a complaint is serious or cannot be resolved informally, the matter should be referred to the Board for its consideration by means of a grievance form to be filled out and turned into a member of the Board. The Board consists of
the President, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer, and at least one Trustees. At least one witness is required to sign the Grievance form. If the Board agrees with the Grievance, then the accused will lose flying privileges as follows:
FIRST VIOLATION: The viewpoint of both complainants and accused will be considered. The board will give a written warning.
SECOND VIOLATION: The accused has the right to a written rebuttal, to be reviewed by the
Board. The accused will have no flying privileges for a month.
THIRD VIOLATION: The accused will have no flying privileges for one year. If a member chooses to fly during his/her loss of flying privileges, as noted above, it will result in automatic termination of club membership, and forfeiture of club dues. A member who has had his membership terminated can rejoin after one year. Violations to cover a twelve month period.